Every citizen is offered to pursue an individual and business freedom by the nation. But it is the duty of responsible citizen to abide by the rules and policy by the government. Moreover, people ought to help the citizens, community and the nation through their daily work and business. Bearing the very fact in mind, Iboss Global Life has created one opportunity for all. This company aims to associate all the aspirant farmers, businessman, consumers and distributors as an equal and respectful stakeholder so as to garner a wide range of benefits. Our goal is to reach to the destination through united effort and share the outcome distinctly.
We can create numbers of job opportunities for the people if we mobilize the manpower in the course of promotion of valuable herbs commercially. We can equally train the people for the proper use of herbs. The right utilization of human resources and herbs can be the milestone of skyrocket the nation's economy. To prosper the nation, we have vividly thought the necessity of selling such products in the national and international markets. Our government has already granted us authority and validity to trade with these products. Therefore, our endeavor has become a golden opportunity for us to make our life beautiful. I am personally highly exhilarated now to be back to serve the nation again from the different dimension after the retirement from the three decade long government service.